Visit to Buleleng Peasant Union, Sumberklampok and Pemuteran villages, North Bali. (REKAM NUSANTARA)

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  • 29 June 2023
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Asia Learning Exchange On Social Inclusiveness And Youth

Asia Learning Exchange on Social Inclusiveness and Youth is taking place in Bali, 28 May to 2 June 2023. This event is co-organized by the Coalition for Tenure Justice in Indonesia (Koalisi Tenure/KT), Tenure Facility,  International Land Coalition (ILC) and Samdhana Institute. The Exchange brings together partners, coalition members and allies in Southeast Asia region, working to strengthen the protection of peoples' land rights.

The program starts with two days of field visits to communities in Lombok, Bali, and East Java. It will be followed by three days of conference in Bali, with inputs, dialogues, and workshops.

The Exchange aims for participants to get together, listen, learn, inspire, and coordinate on how to best advance different aspects of tenure security in the context of Asia. 

The discussions will explore what are the gaps and the effective practices that enhance inclusion, such as that for the youth, in securing tenure rights.

Participants are deep-dive into community-specific dynamics around mapping and data for tenure rights recognition, locally anchored management plans of land/territories, community-based conservation, livelihood and local economic development, conflict resolution processes, leadership regeneration and youth engagement in the land rights movement.

Participants also exchange on broadening and enhancing inclusion to advance tenure rights of women, youth, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups. Some participants are invited to share on women's leadership, and the next generation.

This learning exchange is part of the preparation process leading up to the National Tenure Conference in August 2023, organized by the Coalition for Tenure Justice in Indonesia. The results from this week's dialogues will contribute to the design of National Conference.

The organizers and participating institutions join hands in this event, driven by the same vision to support peer-to-peer exchange among Asia civil society.

This is one of the three Regional Exchanges planned by Tenure Facility for 2023, to facilitate sharing and learning between partner organizations. As for ILC Asia, the event offers an opportunity to learn about the progress and challenges of strengthening youth leadership as an important aspect of social inclusion in Indonesia. It will feed into ILC Asia’s work on youth in the years to come. For Samdhana, the event is an important moment to reflect on what Partners have gained, and how to continue supporting this, along with fostering more learning in the region.