[On Going] Green Livelihood Alliance (GLA2) Forests for a Just Future - Northern Mindanao Landscape

Project site/ area of implementation
Municipality of Baungon and municipality of Libona in Bukidnon Province, Philippines
Project period
Donor Partner
Donor Partner

IUCN Netherland
Latest Project Update
Project objectives
The project wants to strategically address those issues following the three pathways of the GLA 2 programme. Specifically, the project objectives are:
- To help build capacities of two Indigenous communities in asserting their rights, through strengthening of their Indigenous Political Structure and supporting the CADT application process;
- To build capacities of indigenous women and youth in the two Indigenous communities to increase their roles in indigenous governance and ancestral domain sustainable forest/ ecosystem management; and
- To increase safe spaces for participation and environmental policy lobbying by supporting more IP participation, especially of women, in networking with local CSOs and key stakeholders in the landscape, and influencing the agenda for protection of EHRDs.
Project components/ target outputs
Target outputs:
- Indigenous communities, IP women and youth actively participate in landscape decision-making processes;
- Indigenous communities, IP women and youth enforce conservation, protection and production zones within sustainable forest/ ecosystem management;
- Indigenous communities, IP women and youth assert their rights to Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC), social acceptability, and access to justice, vis-à-vis government and private business projects;
- Civil society organizations (CSOs) and IPLCs push for the rights of Environmental and Human Rights Defenders (EHRDs), including women rights defenders, and the passage of laws and ordinances that protect them; and push for the passage
- IPLCs, women and youth, and their coalitions/ alliances effectively lobby for new policies that will reduce risks and threats to Environmental/ Women HRDs
Implementation Partners
- MAECATE Higaonon Ancestral Domain
- Capihan Higaonon Ancestral Domain
- STR3AMS Coalition
- Cagayan de Oro Riverbasin Management Council (CDORBMC)
- GLA partners in Northern Mindanao landscape: Kitanglad Integrated NGOs (KIN) and Non Timber Forest Product – Exchange Program (NTFP-EP)
- MAECATE Higaonon Ancestral Domain
- Capihan Higaonon Ancestral Domain
- STR3AMS Coalition
- Cagayan de Oro Riverbasin Management Council (CDORBMC)
- GLA partners in Northern Mindanao landscape: Kitanglad Integrated NGOs (KIN) and Non Timber Forest Product – Exchange Program (NTFP-EP)