Indigenous Peoples Support Fund/ Small Grants Program

Project site/ area of implementation
Southeast Asia region
Project period
Donor Partner

Both Ends
Latest Project Update
Project objectives
General small grantsmaking:
- To provide flexible and direct funding support to Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in Southeast Asia, in line with Samdhana’s areas of work;
- To provide capacity building support to Grantee-Partners to enable them to better manage their grant projects and resources;
Support and Recovery from Pandemic:
Provide direct support to IPLCs who are addressing rights and environment-related issues that had been worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic, and carrying out initiatives in the assertion of their rights and/or advancing their own development;
Provide/ support capacity development to IPLCs and grassroots organizations to address issues or needs that emerged from the pandemic, such as ability and access to communication, increase access to local food and water security, access to online education, reactive policies, mental health, among others; and
Provide institutional support to local and grassroots organizations that do strategic work in the advancement of IPLCs rights, but may have been negatively affected by the pandemic, as stop-gap measure.
Project components/ target outputs
Grant categories
- Micro grants: between US$ 500 – US$ 9,999
- Small grants: Between US$ 10,000 – US$ 30,000
- Urgent action grants between US$ 500 – US$ 3,000
Types of grants based on function
- Travel grants (micro)
- Capacity development or institutional development support (micro)
- Education and indigenous knowledge building grants (micro)
- Resiliency building and social justice grants (small)
Implementation Partners
Indigenous Peoples/ Indigenous Cultural Communities and ethnic groups, farmer and fisher groups, peoples’ organizations, and local non-government organizations in the Southeast Asia region
Indigenous Peoples/ Indigenous Cultural Communities and ethnic groups, farmer and fisher groups, peoples’ organizations, and local non-government organizations in the Southeast Asia region