Beth Villamor's specialization is in the field of organization development, institution building, and financial management. Previously, she worked for the GUAVA Dynamics Consulting Co., Inc. (Governing Uncertainties And Vulnerabilities in Alleviating Poverty) as Senior Consultant. She has fourteen years experience working with a non-govenment organization focused on assisting indigenous peoples' access to, and management and development of their ancestral domain. She was the Associate Executive Director of the Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center, Inc. (LRC) from 1997-1999. Beth also served as the Information/Liaison Officer of the NGO Working Group on the ADB from 1993-1996. The Working Group is the NGO watchdog monitoring the programs/projects of the Asian Development Bank. She is a Fellow of Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (SYLFF), which was established by The Nippon Foundation. She has also completed units in the masters course in Social Development at Ateneo de Manila University.
Beth served as the General Manager of Samdhana Institute from 2007 to 2012. She is currently the Fellows' Coordinator assisting the Executive Director in building a dynamic fellowship program for Samdhana Fellows. She is a member of the Samdhana Fellows' Committee. She is a mother of two smart boys, Paulo and JF.